中文 英文
送達地址 address for service
行政執行 administrative execution
公法上的罰金/罰鍰 administrative fine
行政程序 administrative procedure
行政裁罰 administrative sanction
代理人 agent
空氣污染防制法 Air Pollution Control Act
上訴 appeal
裁決 arbitration
主管機關 authority body
依法執行 carry out enforcement in accordance with the law
受託 commission
裁處 determine
處分機關 disciplinary agency
處分書 disciplinary citation
展延 extension
罰款 fine
裁罰準則 fine determination criteria
裁處書 fine notification;punishment notification
罰鍰標準 fine standards
依規定 in accordance with regulations
依據相關法令 in accordance with relevant laws and regulations
依法 in accordance with the law; legally
不符合之處 inconsistency
告發單 indictment
委任書 letter of appointment
限期補正或改善 make corrections or improvements within a limited time period
得按次連續處罰 may be fined consecutively per violation
得按次處罰 may be fined per violation
噪音管制法 Noise Control Act
通知限期改善 notified to make improvements within a limited time period
告知 notify
所有人,所有權人 owner
罰則 penalties
住所 permanent residence address
訴願書 petition
合約文件影本 photocopy of contract documents
陳情書 plea statement
陳述 pleadings;representation;represent;utterance;statement;declare
污染行為人 polluter
公營事業或機構 public enterprises and organizations
公私場所 public or private premises
從重處罰 punish severely
裁罰 punishment
撤銷裁處 quash the punishment;cancel the punishment
駁回 reject
催繳書 reminder
代表,代表人 representative
責任業者 responsible enterprise
撤銷 revocation
送達證書 service of certificate
情節重大者 severe circumstances
具體理由 specific reason
負責人 statutory responsible person
停止執行 stay enforcement
臺北高等行政法院 Taipei High Administrative Court
居所 temporary residence address
執行時間 term of execution
判決 verdict; judgment
違法行為 violation; infraction
廢棄物清理法 Waste Disposal Act
水污染防治法 Water Pollution Control Act
撤回 withdraw